A Publication of The Senior Network
November 2022
Golden Nuggets:
We wanted to take time in this newsletter to thank each of our readers and contributors. It has been one year since we produced the first monthly newsletter, The Senior Times.
Most of us can think of how to say the word(s) “thank you” or “thanks” in more than one language. “Gracias” in Spanish, “Merci” in French, “Danke” in German and “Grazie” in Italian are just a few examples. However, the words ‘thank you’ should be more than mere words; they need to express an attitude of praise and gratitude. Our “thanksgiving” should be all encompassing for all things that come into our lives. Each day is filled with trials along with blessings. If we are to understand the grace which has been given to us we must embrace our tough times with the same attitude of thankfulness as we do all the gracious bounty that is ours as well. In I Thessalonians 5:18 it states “In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”
Take time this “Thanksgiving Month” to count all of the ways you are truly grateful for every event in your life. As you give thanks, you will realize how much God has blessed you!
Humor Me:
Rupert and Elaine, a young couple, got married and went happily on their honeymoon. When they got back, Elaine immediately phoned her mother and her mother asked, “How was the honeymoon, Dearest?” “Oh, Ma,” she replied, “the honeymoon was wonderful. So romantic...” Then Elaine burst out crying. “But, Ma, as soon as we returned home, Rupert started using the ghastliest language... saying things I've never heard before! I mean, all these awful 4-letter words! You've got to come get me and take me home.... Please Ma.” “Calm down, Elaine!” said her mother, 'Tell me, what could be so awful? What 4-letter words?” Still sobbing, Elaine whispered, “Oh, Ma...words like dust, wash, cook, and iron.”
Who ‘d A Thunk?
A fourteen-year-old boy named Bobby Fischer would win the United States Chess Championship in 1958?
Remember When…..
Ground beef was $.45 a pound? And chicken was $.29 a pound?
Sat., 11/19, 10 AM. Hope Hall, 203 Capcom Ave., Wake Forest. Zach Merritt from “Chefs For Seniors”.
Mon., 11/21, 11 AM. Rolesville Community Center, 504 Southtown Circle, Rolesville, Attorney Michael Paul.
Tues., 11/22, 10:30 AM, Wake Union Baptist Church 13345 Wake Union Church Rd., Wake Forest. Kathy Uveges from “Seniors Helping Seniors”. Tom Haywood tells his story.
Mon., 11/28, 10:30 AM, The Lodge, 1151 S Main St., Wake Forest. John Mainey from Made4Me.
Singalong with Algia Motley, Networking, Door Prizes, Favors for All.
Join us
Saturday, December 3rd
Triangle Town Center
Registration & Entertainment starts at 10 AM
Raffles, Giveaways, Merchant Discounts, Educational Material
Benefits The Senior Network and Made4Me
November Senior of the Month
Cynthia Rapp
Cynthia Rapp is a Shaklee Ambassador. Shaklee has been the premier natural health and Wellness Company for over 65 years. Cynthia enjoys sharing with others how to live healthier and longer lives. She and her family have been using Shaklee in their home for over 40 years. In 1996 she started her Shaklee business and is currently a Shaklee Director.
Cynthia and her husband, Gary, have been married for 50 years. They have 2 adult children and 5 grandchildren. They are expecting their first great-grandchild in January. The family moved to North Carolina from Ohio 17 years ago. Gary is a retired music educator and is the Director of Music at Nashville United Methodist Church in Nashville NC.
Music has always been a big part of their lives. They have sung in church choirs, community choirs, and in local community theater productions. Gary also has played in many swing bands, wedding bands and concert bands. Their first dates were going to concerts where he played his trumpet and Cynthia enjoyed the music.
They are enjoying partial retirement and plan to stay in North Carolina. They enjoy traveling to visit friends and family around the country.
Cynthia is also a co-founder and president of a new business networking group for women called Women of Wake (WOW). Meetings are held at the Rolesville Chamber of Commerce on the first and third Tuesday of the month from 9 to 10 AM.