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May 2022 Newsletter

The Senior Times -A Publication of The Senior Network

Golden Nuggets

May is a very special month. It is full of holidays and celebrations that emphasize the term “honor”. May 1st is called May Day; and it honors the coming of Summer - often with May baskets filled with flowers and candy and with dancing around a May pole. All mothers are honored in May on Mother’s Day for the way they nurture, love and hold together the family unit. At the end of the month there is Memorial Day (first known as Decoration Day) which honors all who have lost their lives while serving in the United States armed forces. Throughout the month of May we honor graduates who have finished their course of studies and looking forward to the next phase of their lives. All of these special occasions honor someone. Honor, according to the dictionary definition, means to regard or treat someone with admiration and respect. Also, it means to give special recognition to someone. As wonderful as all of these honor driven events are, we need to consider who we ultimately need to honor. It is the One who made us and sustains us. Only God is truly worthy of all honor and praise. It says in Psalm 86:12 “I will praise thee, O Lord my God, with my whole heart; And I will glorify (honor) thy name forever more.” The next time you honor someone, or you receive an honor, think about the God of the universe who has allowed us to enjoy this privilege. Every day we should give Him the honor He so richly deserves.



Humor Me

Sitting on a park bench, I saw an elderly woman sobbing. I went over to her and asked what was wrong. She said that she had married a handsome man who was ten years her junior. Every day he would bring her breakfast in bed. Each night he would give her a foot massage. On Sunday he went to church with her and would treat her to a large ice cream sundae in the afternoon. “Sounds to me like he is near perfect”, I said hoping to cheer her up. “Oh, he is and so charming” she replied as she burst into a wave of tears. “So, what is the reason for your crying”? I inquired. Her answer came with a new set of sobs. “I can’t remember where I live!”


Senior of the Month

Kitty Kovacs

Kitty, one of six children, was born and raised in Connecticut. Her father was a cancer researcher and her mother took up nursing at age fifty. Kitty moved with her family to Pennsylvania when she was a senior in high school. She found a Physician Assistant (PA) program at a Pennsylvania college and graduated from there in 1980. She was hired at Bridgeport Hospital where she met her husband Bill who also worked in health care. Kitty held roles in surgery, neurosurgery, internal medicine, rehab medicine, neurology and public health. Kitty and her husband Bill have been married for forty years and moved to the Raleigh area in 1993 to further pursue their education and careers.

Now retired, Kitty has been active in many volunteer roles over the years like cub scout and girl scout leader, soccer mom, Vestry at St. John’s Episcopal Church in Wake Forest and now as a parish chairperson at St. John’s to help match parishioner needs with volunteers. Kitty has three grown children and six beautiful, healthy and very active grandchildren, all close by. Helping others has always been a driving force as Kitty believes “it is better to give than to receive.” Kitty states, “I am pleased to find new partners in caring for others through The Senior Network and look forward to a continued alliance.”


Sharing With Seniors

Saturday, May 21st, 10 AM

203 Capcom Avenue, Wake Forest, N.C.

Paul and Carrie Suffern
A Story of Change
Bryan Braddy

Are you looking for a place of warm and genuine senior community? Do you desire to be a part of a local elderly community? Then what are you waiting for? We meet every third Saturday of the month for a time of fellowship, fun, and community. Come on out and see what we are all about!

Have any questions about this event? Do not hesitate to contact us at!


Contact Us

If you are interested in volunteering, want more information about our non-profit organization, or have a special prayer request, please contact us.

Office: 954-666-2040 Fax: 919-373-8823


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